Craniosacral Therapy, Bodywork
In Craniosacral therapy (CST) we work with the soft tissue, structure, fluid body and the nervous system, realigning and releasing tension with gentle hands on manual manipulation. CST essentially supports the bodies innate healing mechanism that stimulates and resets the system after any new experience, upset, injury or shock, addressing the whole person, which is essential to complete recovery.
Mom - Cranioscral therapy and conception at this stage supports you in creating the optimal healthy environment for pregnancy and in alleviating any potential disorders that may be getting in the way of conception. Prenatal treatment addresses unwinding restriction and reducing fears around birthing process setting the stage for an overall optimal healthy experience, your body can perform naturally and with ease if tension patterns are cleared. Postpartum treatment supports your system in recovery and alignment. Emotional component processing any aspects of birth that may have been challenging, healing any trauma or expectations that are creating stress or grief. Restoring strength after exhaustion, postnatal depression or "baby blues" and hormonal shifts that are result from birth process. Support for preterm births, C-section, breech, prolonged labor, nursing difficulties, lactation issues, nursing support.
Baby - releasing any trauma energy from nervous system assists in balancing all autonomic function and is highly beneficial providing support at an early age. All babies deserve a well baby check up as the birth process can set in motion restrictions that affect health of baby into childhood and as an adult. Treatment focus is on balancing the structure of whole CST system, the locomotor system that includes the joints, the organs, any structures that could be storing prenatal and perinatal trauma and waiting to be given the ability to release through this sensitive support, Baby will often sleep better, immune defenses are strengthened and baby is more ready to make contact with family and surroundings. Support for tongue tie, latch, breast feeding, nursing difficulties, jaw tension or clenching, midline restrictions, torticollis, digestion, colic, crying, discomfort, trouble integrating, suction birth, C-section, breech, prolonged labor.
Every baby deserves a Well baby Check Up to assure that no physiological problems become entrenched and cause issues into childhood and adulthood.